Located at Cameron Park Softball Field Snack Bar
1305 E. Cameron Ave. West Covina
Registration Requirements for Both Spring & Fall
All Girls Must Be Present for Sizing
All Paperwork & Registration fee
Must be complete to register.
No pending apps will be processed. All ages are as of
August 31, 2024
(6u must be 4 before 3/15/25)
Proof of age is required for EVERYONE
at the time of registration
(Submit a copy of Birth Certificate)
Registration Fees Include
League Fundraising Pays for Toiletry, Chalk, Balls, School Field Usage, Lighting, etc.
Player Uniform
(Jersey, Pants, Socks)
USA registration and insurance, Basic Picture Package, Yearbook, and umpire Fees.
Snack Bar Deposit
(17yrs and Older can Work Snack Bar)
You are required to work 4 hours of Snack Bar Duty Per Player. If you cancel your snack bar schedule sign-up, you lose $50 for every 2 hours. A $100 Cash Buyout at the time of Registration will Complete your 4 hours of Snack Bar Duty.
League Fundraiser
League Fundraising Pays
Toiletry, Chalk, Balls, School Field Usage, Lighting, etc.